Railo/Lucee CGI remote_addr/remote_host says

Railo/Lucee CGI remote_addr/remote_host says

When installed on to a Linux/Apache machine, the Railo installers will install mod_proxy_http as the default connector for Apache to Tomcat/Railo. The result is the same as you’d get with any other proxy, where the remote host is replaced with the address of the proxy (in this case and the original requester’s IP address is placed in the “X-Forward-For” header.

If you need to find the original requestors IP address you can accomplish this in one of two easy ways.

Pull the IP from the X-Forward-For Header
This can be done easily using the following single line of code:


Use the Tomcat Remote IP Valve
This can be done simply by opening up your Tomcat server.xml file and adding a single line of code right under your “<Engine>” tag:

Change this:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="">

To this:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="">
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve" />

Restart Tomcat and you’ll now see the IP address of the original requesting client populate your CGI scopes.

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