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Category: Linux

BASH Execute a Command in a Variable – with Quotes!

BASH Execute a Command in a Variable – with Quotes!

Just recently I encountered a situation where I was using a BASH script to evaluate some input and then pass a boat-load of parameters to another executable. It just so happened that one of the parameters I was pasisng was a variable that had a space in it. So… –myvar “my spacey attribute”. This command would work great when I ran the command myself, but as soon as I tried to execute the command in my BASH script, the blasted…

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BASH – Generate a Random String

BASH – Generate a Random String

In a recent project, I needed a function that would generate a random string for me. In my case, I was creating a random file name to store some data, but there are other uses as well, so I am posting the BASH code here in the hope that it will help others out there on the net writing BASH scripts and need a good random string function: Save this to a script file (I called mine using the…

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Ubuntu/Debian Long Pause Before SSH Password Prompt

Ubuntu/Debian Long Pause Before SSH Password Prompt

I’ve experenced this problem many times on both Ubuntu and Linux Mint, and I’ve had to go research this problem several times each time I encountered it. (I can never remember where to find it.) So, I’m writing it down here in case I ever need it again, or perhaps someone else out on the Net is experiencing this same issue and hasn’t figured out how to fix it. The problem is that whenever I used SSH to get a…

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Making CFIDE Available to all Apache VirtualHosts

Making CFIDE Available to all Apache VirtualHosts

When working with ColdFusion on Linux, you may encounter a situation where you want to make the contents of the CFIDE folder available to all sites that are hosted on that server. The reason you might want to do this is for things like CFFORM to work properly on a host that doesn’t physically have the CFIDE directory located in that site. The solution for this is an Apache Alias. Add an alias to the Apache httpd.conf file similar to…

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